Saturday 19 April 2014

California Sea Lion / Zalophus californianus

Californian Sea Lions
Californian Sea lions are very cute, and look just like my Staffordshire bull terrier!

The Californian Sea Lion is the fastest sea lion and they gather on the pacific coast lines of north america, these mammals are carnivores, their life span is for 30 years, When diving deep, California sea lions slow their heart rates to allow them to remain underwater for nearly ten minutes before surfacing to breathe. This ability gives them an edge in the pursuit of the fish, squid, and shellfish that make up their primary diet.

California sea lions may hunt continuously for up to 30 hours, with each dive lasting three to five minutes.
In a group sea lions are called either a colony or a rookery, The sea lion's ancient ancestors, like those of whales and dolphins, lived on land. The modern animal is well adapted to an aquatic environment, with its streamlined body and powerful flippers.

Huge colonies can be seen gathered on seaside rocks, and even on man-made structures, for breeding and for birthing. Males gather harems of females to their sides in competition to sire young pups, which are born on land.

You may see Sea lions in zoo's or in parks such as chesington etc...

Size relative to man:
Illustration: California sea lion compared with adult man

I think sea lions, (seals) are very loving and lovable creatures.

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