The Common Octopus
The common octopus can blend into it's surroundings to hide from predators and prey.The octopus has a massive bulbous head, large eyes, and eight distinctive arms ( like a spider) But by far the most striking characteristic of the octopus is the wide array of techniques it uses to avoid it's attackers.
the common octopus can almost instantaneously match the colours, patterns, and even textures of its surroundings. Predators such as sharks, eels, and dolphins swim by without even noticing it!
Octopuses can release black ink, which is a distinctive smell that distracts predators, allowing the octopus to escape, they are also fast swimmers, And their soft bodies can squeeze into impossibly small cracks and crevices where predators can't follow.
If all else fails, an octopus can lose an arm to escape a predator's grasp and regrow it later with no permanent damage!
They also have beak-like jaws that can deliver a nasty bite, and venomous saliva, used mainly for subduing prey.
Considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates, the common octopus is found in the tropical and temperate waters of the world’s oceans. They eat crabs, crayfish, and molluscs, and will sometimes use their ink to disorient their victims before attacking.
Size relative to man:
I always thought that the common octopus was huge!
Common octopuses will collect crustacean shells and other objects to construct fortresses, or "gardens," around their lairs, also the octopus is an invertebrate and lives for only 1-2 years! they are carnivorous.
Two scenes from pirates the Caribbean - dead man's chest.
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