Saturday, 1 February 2014

Andean Condor / Vultur gryphus....

Photo: Captive Andean condor 
This bird only produces one chick every other year, survival is hard for the endangered 
Andean condor it relies on captive breeding programs.

This bird is a scavenger and is a carnivore like a vulture, the andean condor, has the biggest wing
span for a bird ....
Illustration: Andean condor compared with adult man

These condors are mostly black, but males have a distinctive white "collar" around their necks and some white markings on their wings as well. Like their relatives, the California condors, 
Andean condors have bald heads.

Condors are vultures, so they keep their sharp eyes peeled for the carrion that makes up most of 
their diet.

These long-lived birds have survived over 75 years in captivity, but they reproduce slowly. A mating pair produces only a single offspring every other year, and both parents must care for their young for a full year.

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