Monday, 13 January 2014

Amazon Horned Frog Ceratophrys cornuta

Photo: Amazon horned frog
These Indiscriminate eaters, Amazon horned frogs can grow to about the size of a small plate, or a tea cup.

They are amphibians and obviously live in the Amazon, and are carnivores.
Their size is quite large for a frog, it reaches to 20 centimetres in length.

They are found in freshwater marshes and pools throughout the Amazon Basin, from Colombia to Brazil.

The Horned Amazon frog kills its prey, by suffocating it by squeezing its body or shoving it under the leaves etc. 

But when anything smaller than their own bodies happens to come by, they spring from the mud and swallow their prey whole, locking it in their jaws with their sharp teeth.
Their ravenous appetite and huge mouths have earned them and other horned frogs the pet-trade nickname "PAC - Man frogs."

Females are generally larger than males, but males are more ornately coloured, ranging from dark green to lime-coloured. Females are usually tan. Scientists are also unsure of what the horns on the frogs head are used for.

Size relative to a tea cup:                                    Group name: Army or Colony. 
Illustration: Amazon horned frog compared with tea cup       

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