Beluga Whale
The beluga whale is a very large mammal, but despite the size they are sadly under threat.
The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive colour and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.
The beluga whale is a carnivore, and also is the only whale that has a flexible neck that can move all directions. Belugas generally live together in small groups known as pods.
Belugas feed on fish, crustaceans, and worms. The whale is related to the tusked "unicorn" whale known as the narwhal. The beluga is not related to the sturgeon of the same name, which has been heavily fished for its famous caviare.
Beluga whales can live for a whopping 25 to 50 years, because their heart is so large... the size of an average car and their main body altogether is half of a bus.
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